What can ACCESS really do for me? We get this question a lot. The answer is simple: we at…
Blog (page 22)
Case Law and the ACCESS ADA Accessibility Inspection Audit
The challenge of federal American’s With Disabilities (ADA) case law is paramount. Lawyers, by their very nature and training, are focused on finding case law in support of their position. We argue that the ACCESS program of getting buildings and sites ADA compliant is inherently based on case law. The only difference is semantics. We call “case law” the “ACCESS ADA Accessibility Inspection Audit”.
Happy Anniversary to the Americans With Disabilities Act
July 2014 marks the 24th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, commonly known as the ADA. It was…
Wheelchair Access While on the Go in New York City
Traveling in the Big Apple can be difficult if you are a person in a wheelchair. However, more…
ADA Compliance for Lecture Halls
Lecture halls are a place where all individuals are invited to partake in instruction or discussion regarding specific subjects of interest. Our ADA expert reminds you to remain vigilant for ADA compliance when attending an event at a lecture hall.
Lesser Known Aspects of the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design
The 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design are revisions of Titles II and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. They were published in September, 2010 and took effect on March 15, 2011. Most people associate the ADA with far-reaching improvements like accessible walkways, doorways and curbs but they cover so much more. Here are a few revisions that cover areas you may not automatically associate with accessible design:
A Case Study in Improving Accessibility and ADA Compliance
The city of Seward, Alaska, has been addressing ADA accessibility issues around town. The city has recently completed…