What Does it Take to Become an Advocate?

Let’s start at the very beginning. To become an “advocate” you must have a disability that is recognized by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The second thing you need is a desire to make a difference.

It is really that simple. Now, let me explain how the ACCESS program works.  I always start with the fact that building owners do not want to spend the money to make their buildings ADA compliant. That statement is really a “no-brainer” because after 23 years of the ADA, 95% of buildings are not ADA compliant. The ADA is Civil Rights Law, so the ACCESS program uses the Civil Right Law for enforcement. The Civil Rights Law gives the advocate access to the Federal Courts, with free filing fee, free attorney fee and free attorney costs. The ACCESS program gives the Federal judge all the information the judge will need, including:

  • ADA non-compliant items
  • ADA solutions for all ADA non-compliance items
  • Costs for all ADA retrofit items

With all of this information in hand, the Federal judge will now issue the order for the building owner to get his building ADA compliant.

So, to begin this process, all YOU as the advocate need to do is (1) visit the building and (2) send ACCESS a list of the items in the building that were not ADA compliant. That’s it! You are now an ACCESS Advocate.

At this point, we will send you a simple one page “engagement letter” allowing ACCESS to represent you. ACCESS will then start with a research of the property ownership and the writing of the complaint. The complaint is then turned over to the litigating attorney and the court process begins, which will take a minimum of 90 days.

ADA building compliance is always a team effort between the advocate and the professionals at ACCESS. Come and get that very good feeling that comes from being an advocate and getting one more building ADA compliant for all others who will come to follow because it really is not about you and me, but them.

Should you have any questions, feel free to contact us through our website or call us directly at (702) 649-7575.

