We are Access Advocates!

access-advocatesThe Americans with Disabilities Act, or ADA, was signed into law in 1990, and was most recently updated in 2010. This law, among other things, requires that all public buildings, hotels, hospitals, parks, schools, government buildings and all other spaces where people gather, be reasonably accessible to everyone, whatever their physical limitations.

There are hundreds of elements to the ADA, from the width and slope of wheelchair ramps, to the size and placement of braille placards, to the layout of public rest rooms. In existing buildings, owners may get waivers to work around requirements that are too expensive or impractical, or owners may just ignore the problem all together.

With all of the confusion, it can be difficult to ensure building compliance in public buildings, even with the best of intent. That confusion, however, does not justify your lack of access to the public areas ADA requires.

If you feel that a building does not meet ADA standards, and you haven’t gotten satisfaction from the building owner, it might just be time to contact us here at Access Advocates. At no cost to you, we will be in touch with the building owner and work with them to come up with architectural plans that address all of their ADA building compliance issues. We will follow the process of the work and perform an audit when it is complete to assure ADA compliance.

You have enough challenges to deal with already. Don’t let an illegal barrier slow you down. If a building is stopping you from taking that final step, call us here at Access Advocates.

