The Americans With Disabilities Act requires wheelchair access be made available for new buildings in the process of being built. This can often be a burden for new business owners, but it is required by law and a business owner can be sued for not abiding by the ADA.
Category: Building Compliance (page 12)
Accessibility Barriers: Architectural and Otherwise
The philosophical foundation of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) is based on fundamental consideration for people with disabilities. Business owners and managers who use ADA guidance will know that they no longer unintentionally exclude a full 18 percent of our population from everyday activities. So, it’s all about removing barriers to access as well as promoting awareness that passive non-compliance is not acceptable.
Accessibility compliance: Tearing down barriers
Here are two examples of one private and one public organization, both of which overlooked ADA’s accessibility compliance…
Are The Hotels You Visit ADA Compliant?
When the Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into law in 1990, critics noted that it was vague and some issues could be resolved only by litigation. In an effort to remedy this problem, the Department of Justice revised regulations for Titles II and III and published the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design (2010 Standards) on September 15, 2010.
ADA accessibility compliance: Wheelchair rules and new 2010 ADA Standards for accessible design
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility Guidelines specifically addresses how businesses must do everything possible to welcome…
Wheelchair Access Required for Hotel Pools
Sadly, too many people take their mobility for granted. It’s only natural to not fully appreciate that which has never been lost. As a result, those individuals who have never been in a wheelchair cannot begin to comprehend the absolute necessity of such a basic principle as wheelchair access. If you are an individual with impaired mobility, however, the reality of such obstacles is a fairly routine occurrence.
Disability Advocates Work to Make it Right
Theoretically, America strives for acceptance of diversity. The “melting pot” of the world is touted as the great…