Accessibility Compliance Isn’t Just Elementary, It’s Collegiate Too

ada accessible classrooms

When it comes to accessibility compliance a lot of the time you’ll get nothing but excuses. A building manager might offer up the excuse that “it’s an old building” or “these kinds of things cost money.” What it really boils down to is how accessibility is taken for granted by those without disabilities, and often the solution to the problem is done in such a way that is not only cheap and rushed, but also dangerous to the public.

Are The Hotels You Visit ADA Compliant?

travel accessibility

When the Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into law in 1990, critics noted that it was vague and some issues could be resolved only by litigation. In an effort to remedy this problem, the Department of Justice revised regulations for Titles II and III and published the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design (2010 Standards) on September 15, 2010.