How Stores and Other Businesses Can Help with Wheelchair Access

electronic handicapped entranceAccording to the U.S. Census, some 36 million people in the Unites States have at least one disability. (That’s about 12 percent of the total U.S. population!) This includes approximately 19.4 million people (above age 5) who have difficulty walking [source]. Each of these millions of people have their own unique story, yet each of them has at least one thing in common: the wish to be treated equally and fairly.

This, however, is not always the case as many stores, restaurants, businesses and hotels make it hard for people with disabilities to visit their establishments.

In short, the following are just a few ways businesses and other public locales can make it easier for people who need wheelchair access.

  1. Ensure aisles are clear and wide enough that wheelchairs can easily fit through without knocking items off. This also means walkways should be large enough for not only the wheelchair, but a canine helper companion, as well. Both the person and a dog should be able to pass through with ease.
  2. Businesses can make it easier to find elevators and wheelchair ramps. There are too many stores that do not have clear signage indicating the location of handicap accessible entrances and exits. If they are labeled, it is not always possible to travel to them because of end caps or tables in the way.
  3. In restaurants and bars, wheelchair accessible tables should be in the front of the establishment for easy access. There should also be enough room for a helper dog to lay out of the way of traffic.
  4. Curbs and ramps should be close to the shop or business entrance as well as close to the handicap parking area. Wheelchairs  are not able to travel through grass and other terrains easily. They need to have easy access to get in and out.

As we mentioned, these are only a few of the ways businesses can help make it easier for people with disabilities. Can you add anything to the list?

For more information on how you can become an advocate and improve accessibility for all, contact us.

