Golf etiquette is something all of us “Weekend Warriors” of the public links have been required to develop over our mostly inauspicious careers. “Don’t putt out of turn”, “Replace your divots”, “Don’t cough when someone else is teeing off”, and for Pete’s sake, “We all know that birdie you just incredulously recorded on your scorecard for the last hole was really a bogey.” With the exception of a few purists out there, it’s safe to say that we can all continue to enjoy our round even if a few of those rules of etiquette are broken every now and again.
Author: Hank Falstad (page 32)
Take Me Out to the Ball Game: ADA Accessibility in Sports Arenas
Whether you’re in the thick of basketball or hockey season, enjoying baseball’s spring training, or mourning the end…
Americans With Disabilities Act Ensures Public Pool Access
While the Americans with Disabilities Act paved the way for access to many public venues, one sector that…
ADA Requirements for Hotel Rooms and Baths
In a recent blog, we posted a second short quiz on ADA accessibility compliance rules that smooth the way from the hotel lobby to the room. Let’s proceed now to the hotel room and check you knowledge on room and bath requirements.
Would Your Movie Theater Get an Oscar for Accessibility?
Most people know that the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires accessibility to public accommodations (such as restaurants, bars and movie theaters). But when you go out to enjoy a movie at your local theater, they must do much more than make sure you can get through the door.
Van Parking and the Americans with Disabilities Act
Going to the mall is fun. Lots of shopping and great people watching. Many malls host seasonal events…
More on ADA Requirements for Hotels
In a recent post, we wrote about ADA accessibility standards for hotel access to elevators, stairways and handrails. Let’s go into a little more detail about hotel door access, bed clearance and room amenities covered by the checklist for ADA compliance. The following rules apply to hotel and lodging rooms that are designated as ADA accessible.